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duplicate volumeの例文


  • Some duplicate volumes exist in both systems.
  • Harpur also received 16, 000 non-duplicate volumes and the complete contents of the Champlain College library.
  • Folger also made donations to Amherst College's library, contributing many duplicate volumes purchased at auction to the College.
  • It is a central tenet of the Library that, as books are never entirely superseded, and therefore never redundant, the collections should not be weeded of material merely because it is old, idiosyncratic or unfashionable : except in the case of occasional duplicate volumes, almost nothing has ever been discarded from the Library shelves.
  • Many members of the congregation were called up for war-service and at the end of the war the Service Personnel Committee of Trinity Church published a duplicated volume, " Letters To The Manse From Members And Adherent Of Trinity Church, Cambuslang, On Service With The Navy, The Army, The Air Forces, The WMS The ATS, The WAAF, The Mercantile Marine, The Land Army And The Nursing Services 1939-1945 ", on behalf of its funds.